# Development

Tanoshi backend use rust-embed (opens new window) to embed static files to the binary. Because of this, tanoshi-web need to be built first so tanoshi will be able to build successfully.

# Frontend

  1. Install Rust
  2. Install trunk and wasm-bindgen-cli
    cargo install trunk wasm-bindgen-cli
  3. Change directory into tanoshi-web
    cd crates/tanoshi-web 
  4. Build
    trunk build

# Backend

  1. Change directory into crates/tanoshi or root repository
  2. Install dependencies for https://github.com/faldez/libarchive-rs
  3. Install dependency for https://gitlab.com/taricorp/llvm-sys.rs
    • on Windows, you can download from https://github.com/faldez/tanoshi-builder/releases/download/v0.1.0/LLVM.7z extract to a directory and set environment variable $LLVM_SYS_110_PREFIX to /path/to/llvm or build it yourself
    • on macOS, install using homebrew brew install llvm@11 ands set LLVM_SYS_110_PREFIX to /usr/local/opt/llvm
    • on Linux
      wget https://apt.llvm.org/llvm.sh 
      chmod +x llvm.sh
      ./llvm.sh 11
  4. Build
    cargo build

# Desktop

  1. Do steps for both frontend and backend
  2. Install depedencies for tauri
  3. Install tauri cli
    cargo install tauri-cli --version ^1.0.0-beta
  4. Run
    cd crates/tanoshi-web
    tauri serve
    cd crates/tanoshi
    cargo tauri dev

PS. On linux you may need to install libssl-dev on ubuntu/debian or openssl-dev on fedora/centos